November 2021

Strong corporate results helped global equity markets achieve new all-time highs in October, despite the prospect of slower economic growth and concerns about supply chain disruptions and higher inflation.  Although bond market volatility continued, as short-dated...

September 2021

Robust corporate earnings and abundant liquidity enabled global equity markets to make further gains in August and establish all-time highs towards the end of the month.  Although economic growth remains strong in absolute terms, at the margin actual numbers and...

May 2021

The combination of strong economic data, extraordinary fiscal stimulus, negative real interests and central banks prepared to look through short-term supply pressures supported further gains in risk assets in April. Fixed interest held steady despite rising input...

April 2021

Business sentiment surveys indicate that the economic recovery will continue over the coming months with Q1 GDP surprising on the upside in several key economies – including the US and China. Global GDP estimates have been increased to 5.5% this year and 4% in...

March 2021

Hopes for global economic recovery are still pinned on a successful vaccine rollout which should allow services and consumption to catch up with the rebound in manufacturing. With monetary policy remaining supportive and more fiscal stimulus expected, there is...

January 2021

Global equities returned nearly 5% in December, making a Q4 total of 15% in local currency terms. However, for UK based investors, sterling’s appreciation to $1.37 on dollar weakness and the Brexit trade deal reduced this to 9%. A change in sector leadership helped...